Research Homework

The goal of this exercise is to clarify the central question of your scholarly research essay by problematizing your exhibit.

Estimated time: 2 – 3 hrs
Due by 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 17th 

Read my brief comments in response to Exercise 3.2. then review the five ways of identifying an intellectual or interpretive problem taught in our last class (described in the Identifying Problems handout). You will need to conduct preliminary research on your exhibit and also analyze it in order to determine the main question you want to explore in your scholarly research essay. Therefore, make sure to look up existing opinions about your film. Find out how the film is categorized as a genre and how that genre is define. Watch your film before our next class and take careful notes on patterns and anomalies you observe. You will use these observations and your preliminary research to create a clear, focused research question for your scholarly research essay.

Example 1
Latoya Peterson was motivated to write her essay about Kanyé West’s “Monster” music video because she noticed that the existing criticism of the music video seemed to overlook an important pattern in the music video: (nearly) all the dead women were white whereas all the black/brown women were depicted as monsters. Therefore, the central question of her essay is: What does this pattern reveal about cultural attitudes towards white women and women of color?

Example 2
A past student noticed that central female characters in the animated film Inside Out seemed to be based on common female stereotypes yet the film was universally praised as a feminist masterpiece. Therefore, in her research essay, she asked: Do the stereotypical depictions of Joy and Sadness undermine the film’s reputation as a “feminist” film?

Bring your central research question to our library workshop next Tuesday. As mentioned in our next class, our next class will be a library workshop so class will be held in Rosenthal 225.

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