In the Film Alien vs Predator who is the actual monster ,could it be that the humans are the actual monsters, why are they having a conflict in the human world?
in this movie “avatar world”, the human with dangerous weapons to invade the podara world, and they are fighting each other , and the problem is that how this movie reflects question about culture or expanxionism. In other words , which side is right ?
what is avatar world? why do they fight each other ? is there having any elemnts from movie showing the expanxionism? does it have any reasons why the huamn invade this new world? is this movie reflecting any exszing problems of human?
In the film ” the passion of the Christ” people argue that it was too violent and extreme therefore not worth watching.but it was a box office hit. What then is attributed to the films success.??
Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone
In the scene of Harry’s 11th birthday, who were the monster Dursley family or Hagrid
How wizards treat muggles may symbolize social stereotype?
Is Malfoy a symbol of racism?
1. The film Borat satirizes American xenophobia, misogyny, and homophobia with a cartoonish foreigner, but could it itself be racist towards white people by representing all these American flaws with white people? Why are the monstrous Americans showed all white?
In the Film, Ex Machina, in the end, the question is, are we the human creating a
“life” for a robot? or if the robot is smart enough to create her own “life” her self.
in Ex machina, robot outsmart than human, does it creates fear to the people toward the fast developing technologies that we have today in our society or we will have in the future ?
1.The robot that we have right now is intellegent ?
2.what is our current technology development? fear will bring to human by unknown?
4.research reviews
5.if we invent a outsmart robot, what will they be?
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“How does movie COCO represent death in Mexican culture?”
“How do dead ancestors and Miguel in movie COCO represent cultural conception about death in Mexican culture?”
How did the producers of Cabin in the Woods, imitate movie cliches in the horror genre?
How does imitation of horror movie cliches represent comedic effect in the horror genre?
-What do the robots really represent in the movie I, Robot?
Does the relationship between humans and white androids in the movie I, Robot, represent racial tensions in the US?
Does the relationship between an African American detective and white androids in the movie I, Robot, represent racial tensions in the US?
In the Film Alien vs Predator who is the actual monster and why are they having a conflict in the human world?
In the Film Alien vs Predator who is the actual monster ,could it be that the humans are the actual monsters, why are they having a conflict in the human world?
1.Is it a Blessing or Curse for Holocaust Education?
2.did you cry only for Bruno , and forget Samuel?
what is the death of Bruno and Samuel in the movie”the boy in the striped pajamas” implicit holocaust education , blessing or curse?
what does the death of Bruno and Samuel in the movie “the boy in the striped pajamas” implicit holocaust education , blessing or curse?
does holocaust education is positive for children , from the death of Bruno and Samuel in the movie ” the boy in the striped pajamas”?
Do the tragic death of Bruno and Samuel help or hurt the purpose of holocaust education?
how this movie which is “avatar” reflects question about culture or expanxionism
in this movie “avatar world”, the human with dangerous weapons to invade the podara world, and they are fighting each other , and the problem is that how this movie reflects question about culture or expanxionism. In other words , which side is right ?
what is avatar world? why do they fight each other ? is there having any elemnts from movie showing the expanxionism? does it have any reasons why the huamn invade this new world? is this movie reflecting any exszing problems of human?
Was the violence depicted on the film , Mel Gibson doing or was it how it really happened??
In the film ” the passion of the Christ” people argue that it was too violent and extreme therefore not worth watching.but it was a box office hit. What then is attributed to the films success.??
Which side is correct in Captain America: Civil War? Captain America or Iron Man?
Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone
In the scene of Harry’s 11th birthday, who were the monster Dursley family or Hagrid
How wizards treat muggles may symbolize social stereotype?
Is Malfoy a symbol of racism?
what is the problem that pointed in the snake scene in the zoo
What may revealed in difference between Neville Longbottom and Harry Potter in this movie Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone.
In “Saw” movie, Is Jigsaw trying to kill people or save people’s life?
1. The film Borat satirizes American xenophobia, misogyny, and homophobia with a cartoonish foreigner, but could it itself be racist towards white people by representing all these American flaws with white people? Why are the monstrous Americans showed all white?
Does, while Borat representing the pattern of inner American flaws, being racist towards Kazakhstan and American culture?
What is the criminal rate in Japan?
In the film “resident evil: apocalypse, how the race and sexuality change and affect in the apocalyptic film?
What do zombies in movie Resident evil: apocalypse represent in American culture?
what message does the use of a strong, female lead in this apocalyptic, zombie film say about the status of women in America and the West?
in the movies, what will the rest of the world after the robot escaped form the laboratoey to the human world
In the Film, Ex Machina, in the end, the question is, are we the human creating a
“life” for a robot? or if the robot is smart enough to create her own “life” her self.
in Ex machina, robot outsmart than human, does it creates fear to the people toward the fast developing technologies that we have today in our society or we will have in the future ?
1.The robot that we have right now is intellegent ?
2.what is our current technology development? fear will bring to human by unknown?
4.research reviews
5.if we invent a outsmart robot, what will they be?
Due to the violence and destruction of cities when the Avengers fight, should the government pass the Hero Registration Act?