The goal of this exercise is to produce a very rough draft (a “zero draft”) of your third essay. This will help you find raw material (i.e. potential evidence and rough ideas) that can be refined and further developed in your formal draft. This will also help you to recognize what further research needs to be done. Reminder: this draft should be very messy. I want you to explore *ideas* and not worry about making (or fixing) grammatical mistakes. You can use a combination of English and other languages if you’d like. Do not go back to fix any grammatical errors. As you now know, your draft will change significantly as you continue to revise and develop your ideas.
Due by 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 27th
Estimated time: 2 hours
Write a zero draft of 3 to 4 pages in which you begin to work towards an answer to your research question. Your main focus should be to analyze specific parts of your exhibit using relevant theoretical sources.
First, review *all* my comments to the class’ responses to Exercise 3.4. Then read the Model Student Introductions handout and revise your introduction. Your introduction should last two to three paragraphs and must end with your central research question. This part of your zero draft should be polished. There should be no more than two central research questions.
In the final paragraph of your zero draft, use as many sentences as you need to think through your developing answer to your research question.
Include a Works Cited list on a separate page at the end of your zero draft.
Submit your drafts as a Word document to: