Essay 3: Final Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a revised and polished final draft of your scholarly research essay. To produce your final draft, you will extensively revise and develop your formal draft using lessons and strategies learned in class and suggestions provided in my feedback and from your peers.

Due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, May 20th

Make sure that you:

  • follow all formatting guidelines
  • provide an original title for your essay
  • underline your thesis and the topic sentence of every paragraph
  • include a Works Cited list on a separate page at the end of the essay
  • include a self-evaluation on a separate page in which you explain how you used previous draft feedback to guide your revision choices. Name the handouts or model essays you reviewed during your revision process. List any outside help you used e.g. the Writing Center, Language Lab tutoring, classmates, family.
  • name your final draft correctly and submit it as a Word document to:


Essay 3: Formal Draft B // Essay 2: Revised Final Draft

Revised Final Draft of Essay 2

You have the opportunity to submit a revised final draft of Essay 2 by 11:59 p.m. Saturday, May 12th. In order to be eligible to submit this draft, you were supposed to have met with me during office hours or during an alternative time. However, if you did not meet with me, I will still allow you to submit a revision. In your revision:

  • underline your thesis and the topic sentence of each paragraph
  • include a PAS outline on a separate page at the end
  • include a self-evaluation that explains how you used previous draft feedback to guide your revision choices. Name the handouts or model essays you reviewed during your revision process.

If these are not included, your revision will not be graded. Late submissions will not be graded. Submit your revision of Essay 2 to this Dropbox folder:

Formal Draft B of Essay 3

You have the opportunity to submit a revised formal draft of Essay 3 by 11:59 p.m. Monday, May 14th. This is optional, not mandatory. In your formal draft:

  • state your developing thesis after you ask your central question(s)
  • underline your thesis and the topic sentence of each paragraph
  • include a PAS outline on a separate page at the end
  • include a self-evaluation that explains the path(s) of argument you attempted to use, what you think is working so far, and what challenges you are still facing. Name the handouts or model essays you reviewed during your revision process.

If these are not included, your draft will not receive feedback. Submit your formal draft B to this Dropbox folder:

Essay 3: Formal Draft A

The goal of this exercise is to produce a revised formal draft of your third essay. To produce your formal draft, you will extensively revise and develop your zero draft using ideas from class and suggestions provided in my feedback.

Estimated time: 2-3 hours
Due by 11:59 p.m. Thursday, May 3rd


  1. Read the guidelines for the Scholarly Research Essay, the model scholarly lens essay, and the guidelines for naming and formatting essay drafts.
  2. Revise your zero draft into a polished formal draft of 4-5 pages. As we practiced in class today, you should analyze your central question(s) closely to determine what type of theoretical sources you must introduce and use in your essay. Try to use one of the paths of analysis discussed in class on Thursday. End your draft with your tentative thesis.
  3. Include a Works Cited list on a separate page using MLA style. Refer to the course textbook for help with this.
  4. Instead of a self-evaluation, write the PAS outline for your essay on a separate page. (Review the Effective Paragraphing handout.)
  5. Name your Word document as explained in the course syllabus and then submit it to:

Essay 3: Zero Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a very rough draft (a “zero draft”) of your third essay. This will help you find raw material (i.e. potential evidence and rough ideas) that can be refined and further developed in your formal draft. This will also help you to recognize what further research needs to be done. Reminder: this draft should be very messy. I want you to explore *ideas* and not worry about making (or fixing) grammatical mistakes. You can use a combination of English and other languages if you’d like. Do not go back to fix any grammatical errors. As you now know, your draft will change significantly as you continue to revise and develop your ideas.

Due by 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 27th
Estimated time: 2 hours


Write a zero draft of 3 to 4 pages in which you begin to work towards an answer to your research question. Your main focus should be to analyze specific parts of your exhibit using relevant theoretical sources.

First, review *all* my comments to the class’ responses to Exercise 3.4. Then read the Model Student Introductions handout and revise your introduction. Your introduction should last two to three paragraphs and must end with your central research question. This part of your zero draft should be polished. There should be no more than two central research questions.

In the final paragraph of your zero draft, use as many sentences as you need to think through your developing answer to your research question.

Include a Works Cited list on a separate page at the end of your zero draft.

Submit your drafts as a Word document to:

Essay 2: Final Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a revised and polished final draft of your lens analysis essay. To produce your final draft, you will extensively revise and develop your formal draft using lessons and strategies learned in class and suggestions provided in my feedback and from your peers.

Due by 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, April 11th

Make sure that you:

  1. Review the guidelines for the Lens Analysis Essay and the guidelines for naming and formatting essay drafts detailed in the course syllabus.
  2. Include a Works Cited list on a separate page using MLA style. Refer to the course textbook for help with this.
  3. Include a copy of your exhibit on a separate page at the end of the essay.
  4. Include a PAS outline of your final draft on a separate page.
  5. Submit your Word document to:

Essay 2: Formal Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a revised formal draft of your second essay. To produce your formal draft, you will extensively revise and develop your zero draft using ideas from class and suggestions provided in my feedback.

Estimated time: 2-3 hours
Due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 25th


  1. Review the guidelines for the Lens Analysis Essay, then re-read the model lens analysis essay, and the guidelines for naming and formatting essay drafts detailed in the course syllabus.
  2. Write an introduction (either P-S or S-P) in which you carefully describe the exhibit, introduce the problem in the exhibit that you intend to address, state the costs or consequences of not solving the problem, and offer your thesis as a response to the problem. Your thesis should specify the implicit message of the advertisement as well as the intended audience of the advertisement. (2 paragraphs)
  3. Over the course of your formal draft, carefully analyze specific aspects of your advertisement using lens analysis whenever possible in order to develop and support your opinion about the messages of the advertisement and its intended audience.
  4. Include a Works Cited list on a separate page using MLA style. Refer to the course textbook for help with this.
  5. Instead of a self-evaluation, write the PAS outline for your essay on a separate page. (Review the Effective Paragraphing handout.)
  6. Name your Word document as explained in the course syllabus and then submit it to

Essay 2: Zero Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a very rough draft (a “zero draft”) of your second essay. This will help you find raw material (i.e. potential evidence and rough ideas) that can be refined and further developed in your formal draft. Reminder: this draft should be very messy. I want you to explore *ideas* and not worry about making (or fixing) grammatical mistakes. You can use a combination of English and other languages if you’d like. If this draft is polished and free of grammatical errors, it means you did not follow my instructions.

Estimated time: 2-3 hours
Due by 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 16th


  1. Read the guidelines for the Lens Analysis Essay and the formatting guidelines described in the syllabus.
  2. Read the Visual Analysis handout, then describe your advertisement for a reader who has never seen it before. Based on your research, briefly explain when, where and why the advertisement was published, and who published it. (1 paragraph)
  3. Which three elements of the advertisement do you think are crucial to understanding its message and intended audience? Explain why you chose these three. (1 paragraph)
  4. Read the Citing Sources handout, then summarize “Masters of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising” by Jack Solomon for a reader who has never read it before. Make sure to include and explain in your own words a quotation that best expresses the thesis of the essay. Provide at least one example from the essay to help your reader understand Solomon’s argument. (1 paragraph)
  5. List three quotations (i.e. lens ideas) from Solomon that you believe can help you analyze elements of the advertisement in order to decipher its (implicit and explicit) messages. (1 paragraph)
  6. Read the Lens Analysis handout, then use one of your quotes from Solomon to analyze one element of the advertisement. (1 paragraph)
  7. Summarize “Monster Culture (Seven Theses)” for a reader who has never read it before. Define what Cohen means by the term “monster.” Make sure to include and explain in your own words a quotation that best expresses the thesis of the essay. Provide at least one example from the essay to help your reader understand Cohen’s argument. (1 paragraph)
  8. List two quotations from Cohen that you believe can help you analyze elements of the advertisement in order to decipher its (implicit and explicit) messages. (1 paragraph)
  9. Read the Lens Analysis handout, then use one of your quotes from Cohen to analyze one specific visual aspect of the advertisement and explain why this aspect is “monstrous” or a “monster.” (1 paragraph)
  10. Use another quotation from Cohen to help you explain the purpose of the monster or monstrous aspect of the advertisement. (1 paragraph)
  11. Conclude with one paragraph in which you attempt to state your hypothesis or tentative thesis: What is the central message of the advertisement? Who is the intended or target audience for this advertisement?
  12. Include a copy of your advertisement or a link to it on a separate page.
  13. Include a one-paragraph self-evaluation on a separate page in which you briefly explain what you think is promising in your draft and what sort of feedback you would like in order to continue to develop this draft.
  14. Name your draft correctly and submit it to:

ALTERNATIVELY, you can freewrite to answer all the questions in the Visual Analysis handout and submit this as your zero draft.

Essay 1: Final Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a revised and polished final draft of your rhetorical analysis essay. To produce your final draft, you will extensively revise and develop your formal draft using lessons and strategies learned in class and suggestions provided in my feedback and from your peers.

Estimated time: 2-3 hours
Due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, March 4th

Make sure that you:

  1. Review the guidelines for the Rhetorical Analysis Essay and the guidelines for naming and formatting essay drafts detailed in the course syllabus.
  2. Include a Works Cited list on a separate page using MLA style. Refer to the course textbook for help with this.
  3. Include a one-paragraph self-evaluation on a separate page in which you briefly discuss which aspect of your final draft you feel most confident about and which aspect of your final draft you feel least confident about.
  4. Submit your Word document to:


Essay 1: Formal Draft

The goal of this exercise is to produce a revised formal draft of your first essay. To produce your formal draft, you will extensively revise and develop your zero draft using ideas from class and suggestions provided in my feedback.

Estimated time: 2-3 hours
Due by 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, February 20th


  1. Review the guidelines for the Rhetorical Analysis Essay and the guidelines for naming and formatting essay drafts detailed in the course syllabus.
  2. Create a compelling title for your formal draft, one that would intrigue and inform your intended audience of freshmen readers.
  3. In one paragraph, write an introduction for your formal draft that briefly identifies the problems that freshmen readers (i.e. the imagined audience for your essay) likely encounter when first reading “Monster Culture (Seven Theses).” End this first paragraph with your thesis, which should explanation Cohen’s intended audience and his stance towards his audience and topic.
  4. In one paragraph, offer a revised summary of “Monster Culture (Seven Theses).” Ensure that you define what Cohen means by the term “monster.”
  5. List, in one paragraphs, the difficult but important writing or rhetorical patterns in “Monster Culture” that could help another freshmen better understand the intended audience of Cohen’s essay (e.g. references to other scholars, the extensive use of endnotes, advanced vocabulary, technical or specialized terminology, historical examples, examples of monsters from a wide range of cultures, etc.). End this paragraph by explaining why analyzing such writing or rhetorical patterns is a logical way to understand the essay.
  6. Introduce and carefully analyze two writing or rhetorical patterns over the next few paragraphs. For each pattern, you must analyze two specific examples following the guidelines for rhetorical analysis introduce in our last class: Use MLA style to correctly cite the page and Thesis where your examples are located. Refer to the course textbook for help with this.
  7. Include a Works Cited list on a separate page using MLA style. Refer to the course textbook for help with this.
  8. Include a one-paragraph self-evaluation on a separate page in which you briefly discuss to what extent you think your intended audience (freshman readers) would find your essay clear and insightful. Also, explain what else you will still like to work on as you continue to revise your draft.
  9. Name your Word document as explained in the course syllabus and then submit it to